The Gender Legend

The Gnome's life was translated to him by his father Mofa,
who was under strong influence by a 'mother' called Famo

In the eyes of the universe they were sharing the one and same, shall we call it, body.
They all lived like this, for the first century, until the Gnome felt he was ready to split.

The Drawing
This drawing, made by the Gnome, pictures his parents in one of those rare moments when
they were all parted from one another. Note Mofa's (left) strong resemblance of the elderly
Miles Davis - sometimes, when he's playing his trumpet, the Gnome still wonders about this.

Blue Moon
Upon the Gnome's way trough his universal 'teens' he often wandered about, seemingly lost
and lonely, not knowing where to go and what to make of it all. He later found such a deep
and wanting feeling within - it made him realize that he must now find his one true docking
partner. She could, he thought, awaken and sustain the memories he carried from his close
relations with the Famo and Mofa - his one and two so very dearly beloved family of folks.

Strike a pose or interface?
In a search after this alien, yet familiar life form he covered vast grounds in the universe he
knew. After many a year he finally sensed something pulling him in. This was, what he later
had been told, a roomful called The Milky Way. The place was filled with stardust and other
things for that matter..suddenly..there she was..that space-bitch he would have in his mind..

Oboy, was she hot! Maybee too hot to handle. After the Gnome checked his Giger he decided
it was alright to close in for a break of ice. Slowly and very carefully he then started to dock..

..and yes, you're right. They are here and here to stay..

  • Gnome page